Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Supposed to be studying for Thursday's test.. but guess what i'm doing doing now... Blogging.. sigh... thanks to my incredible skills in slacking, I'm stuck with loads of work to do.. Group assignments, project research, revision for tests and etc etc.. sigh..and my supervisor for my individual project will not be around for the whole freaking week... just great... she just gave me my actual title last week and expect me to submit a summary of all the materials used to her by Wednesday through e-mail...sigh.. Hopefully i can finish it and the rest of the work before this weekend.. so that i can enjoy my weekend peacefully.. lol..
Anyway, went down to sheffield the other day with Kok Hong to visit his friend,Weng Tze who's also Peggie's friend.. She brought us around shopping with her another 2 friends.. she also brought us to the university... The university is so much bigger than Leeds' Uni.. for lunch, she brought us to this Chinese restaurant called Wong Ting for some dim sum and some other chinese dishes.. the price was quite reasonable about 5 pounds plus per person.. the food was not bad... took some pictures while walking around Sheffield.. Oh.. one of Weng Tze's friend was QQ's friend.. such a small world.. they all are somehow related.... lol.. aNd the freaking weather here is changing... so damn fucking cold... heard that the temperature is about 5 degrees or less at nite.. and it's gonna be worse during winter.. man.. and the bloody heater isn't working too well.. have to go complain soon after i'm done with all my stuff.. sigh.. anyway, better get back to my books soon before i start slacking more and increase my workload.. lol... take care ppl... cheers..

Kok Hong...


Kok Hong and I in front of some building

the group...

Kok Hong, Weng Tze(the tour guide) and me

the middle one is QQ's fren...

taken by one of weng tze's friend... she takes all her pictures at this angle..

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